The Myth of Overnight Success

A Realistic Guide to Building Your Dream Business

Ulas Can Cengiz
11 min readNov 16, 2023
Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

If you’re dreaming of launching a business and riding the fast track to success, brace yourself for a reality check. The idea of overnight success, as alluring as it sounds, is more myth than reality. I’ve been there, navigating the turbulent waters of entrepreneurship, and I’ve learned that building a dream business is akin to running a marathon, not a sprint. It involves more than just a brilliant idea or a stroke of luck; it’s about resilience, continuous learning, and unwavering commitment.

I remember the time when I sat with my first business plan, naively thinking success was just around the corner. Little did I know, the journey ahead would teach me the true meaning of perseverance and grit.

In this journey through the entrepreneurial landscape, we’ll debunk the myth of instant success. You’ll hear tales of well-known entrepreneurs, their hidden struggles, and the unglamorous side of their path to success. It’s a story that doesn’t make it to the glossy covers of business magazines but is essential for anyone venturing into this world. This article isn’t just a collection of advice; it’s a reality check, a guide, and perhaps a source of inspiration for those ready to embark on this challenging yet rewarding journey. So, let’s pull back the curtain and…

